Employee Spotlight – Leah Walsh

“What’s an Industrial Computer?” This was my question to Nizar almost 14 years ago when he asked me to come work at Global. I pursued a Liberal Arts degree with a major in English Journalism at UNH, had my own byline as a feature writer in the Boston Globe, and then moved on to a […]

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Keep Your Operations Running Smoothly with Rugged Computers

We are all aware of the typical idiosyncrasies of home computers. They need to be protected from dust, temperature variations, humidity, not to mention physical impacts. This fragility makes normal computers ill-suited for most commercial activities, whether it is serving as a simple billing station in a retail shop or coordinating a complex manufacturing process […]

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Going Touch-Free with Embedded Computers

Not that long ago, touch screens were all the rage. From self-help kiosks to check-out queues, touch screen terminals were deployed in all kinds of scenarios to help out customers. But thanks to the sudden outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, all those touch screens are now a risk factor. Viral loads like to accumulate on […]

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8-CH PoE Mobile NVR Fanless Modular Vehicle Computer System

Making Vehicles Smart with Embedded Computers

This is the age of smart technologies. Smart cities, smart homes, even smart wearable devices. Why not smart vehicles? Between self-driving cars of the far future and the analog vehicles of the past, there is a whole range of technologies that can be integrated into vehicles to make them smarter. Things such as predictive maintenance […]

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Employee Spotlight – David Jhaver

My name is David Jhaver, and I am the Purchasing Manager here at Global American. I purchase all the materials for our integrated assemblies. My favorite part of my job is negotiating pricing with our vendors in order to save our customers money. Since 2006, I’ve worn many hats at Global; from shipping/receiving to sales […]

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Industrial Automation in a Post-COVID Era

The Coronavirus pandemic has awakened the world to the threat posed by congested settings with too many crammed into a small space. An unforeseen casualty of this has been the industrial sector, where a large number of workers combine their efforts to keep an assembly line running. Thanks to the extensive precautions necessitated by the […]

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Employee Spotlight – Don Christian

Hello Fellow Geeks, My name is Don Christian and I am the Technical Operations Manager here at Global American. I manage the production floor, RMA department, and handle technical correspondence with many of our suppliers. My technical background includes a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of New Hampshire in Computer Information Systems, years of commercial […]

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Blue Ethernet Cable

Powering Embedded PCs through Ethernet

A common problem faced when installing embedded computers is the mess of cabling required. Not only does each system need its own network connection, but also a source of power. In a large industrial setup (like a server rack), these additional cables can quickly add up to the cost as well as the complexity of […]

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